REGISTRATION to ISLS 2018 > Abstract submissionAbstract submission: Participants who wish to present a communication (oral or poster) are requested to register first, then submit the abstract via the online submission system. Preference for oral or poster presentation has to be indicated on submission. A maximum of one presentation (oral or poster) will be allowed per person, the decision lies with the organizing committee. When submitting, you will have to choose among the following topics: .
Oral communications : - Time for plenary lectures will be 30 minutes (20 to 25 minutes presentation + discussion) Powerpoint presentations (.PPT or .PPTX) are requested and the speakers must use the computers provided by the Symposium. Speakers are advised to preview and upload their presentations in the computers before the start of each session (the day before for morning lectures and before lunch for afternoon lectures).
Posters : Maximum poster size is 95 cm wide and 180 cm high (A0 standard). Poster boards will be numbered according to the Abstracts book pages. Presenters are requested to be in front of their posters during the poster sessions to meet and discuss with other participants.